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- Sign Language
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- Yiddish
- Yoruba
We’re in the business of understanding.
Our talented interpreters and translators have been working in New York and New Jersey for over thirty years in 150 different languages. They not only understand words, but nuances and colloquialisms that make the difference between an ordinary translation and one that’s extraordinary.
While we are often called upon to work in Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Korean, we have yet to come across a language we couldn’t expertly translate. At Star, Temne, Singalese, Tamil and Yoruba are everyday words.
We understand the business world.
With over 30 years of experience, we also understand the needs of the wide range of fields we work in: law, insurance, pharmaceutical, medical, advertising and more.
As a result of the fast pace of business in New York and New Jersey we know clients sometimes need things quickly, even immediately. We do our best to continually give our clients the experience and expertise we ourselves demand.